Women of Worth Worldwide, a ministry of NewLife Behavior International, facilitates connections between American Christian women and Christian women in other countries. These international Christian women teach the women and young girls in their communities about how Jesus values each person, how to follow Him and how to mature in faith.
In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul the Apostle wrote to his son in the faith, Timothy, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” (NIV)
This best describes what is happening in the WOWW program.
In Uganda, Maximillah, Lucy, Charity and Ida taught women from a local church NLBI Bible-based lessons, who later taught women in their community the lessons. Three women decided to follow Jesus, confessed Him as their Lord and were baptized.
Regina and her team plan to certify about 10 facilitators among the women to help in reaching Nigerian women with the NLBI Bible lessons.
Sarah has been teaching these Bible lessons to groups of women in Kenya for several years. Her overall plan is to help deepen the faith of those she has taught.
Two of the NLBI lessons that are taught the most are “Who Am I That God is Concerned about Me?” and “I am of Great Value.” In many places, women have not been taught that Jesus loves them so much that He gave up His very life by dying on a cross to save them. This one truth changes everything!
When women (and men) learn that God made them so He could love them, it changes our view of ourselves, our view of others and our understanding of the importance of sharing His love with others. We are no longer held captive in our minds by what others think or the way they treat us because we are assured of God’s love for us.
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What It Means to Follow Jesus: How to Become a Christian