30 More Christians from 15 Congregations Learn to Teach NLBI Bible-based Lessons in Uganda
“Hallelujah! May His Mighty Name be praised forever!” exclaimed NLBI Certified Trainer Duncan Ojiambo.
On September 22, in Upac, Uganda, 30 people from 15 congregations were certified as NLBI Instructors, which means they know the lessons well enough to teach others, modeling the Apostle Paul who taught Timothy to teach others who are able to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2).

"NLBI is a movement that targets hearts of all human beings,” said Duncan. "The curriculum was perceived to be very unique. Among our participants were men and women who have been in ministry for quite a long time. They were wondering where we learned the teaching method and the lessons, adding that our approach to the Scripture is ‘incredible.'” One of them stated, “These lessons are very practical and are directed to our hearts. We need more of such training in this District.”
Another one of the leaders said, “None of us went to a Bible school. We are leading and preaching in different churches without such training. NLBI has blessed us so much -- I have come up with 10 different sermon topics just from this training. I plan to use the knowledge I have gotten in this seminar to teach and preach in my church from now on. I want to study all the courses.”
“Thank you so much for your continual support. Your generosity is enabling us to expand the kingdom and influence behavior change positively. The IMPACT is visible,” Duncan added, referring to NewLife Behavior International's reimbursement to Certified Trainers for copies of the lessons and for their travel expenses, such as bus fare, motel bills and food when they travel to teach the NLBI courses.
Duncan Ojiambo
NLBI Certified Trainer